Hi fam & friends!!!
Mandarin word of the day: Mama huhu
Pronunciation: "mama who-who"
Literal translation: horse horse tiger tiger
Meaning: So-so
Example: If someone asks how you are doing today you can say "mama huhu." HOW GREAT IS CHINESE!
These emails are so strange to write because every week is exactly the same in terms of schedule, but every week is so different at the same time. Pretty much every day is like deja vu, but there are many exciting things that happen throughout the weeks that help me survive the next day here at the incubator.
My embarrassing language mistake of the week: Our investigator (who is actually our teacher posing as someone he actually taught on his mission) was telling us a story about his mom who hasn't been doing well. I thought he said his mom was doing a little better and able to get outside more. So after his story I said "Hǎo kě'ài!" which means "Oh how lovely/nice!" Little did I know he was actually saying that his mom was now having to go to the hospital more often for check-ups. Don't ask me how I did it, but I REALLY botched that one. hahahah I didn't realize until after the lesson what was actually happening. I was so grateful this wasn't a real investigator because things got awkward really quickly. hahah Oh, Zhongwen. :') (an "investigator" is someone who is interested in learning more about LDS beliefs)
I am running out of time, but I love you all so much! I am sorry this email is short and doesn't have anything even somewhat inspirational. I am getting so anxious to get to Taiwan!!! Although, I clearly have a lot of language learning to do still!
I hope you all have a great week. You are in my prayers!
xoxo mo jie mei
P.S. Missionaries pick a scripture that expresses their feelings about their mission. Hailey told us this week that she decided on Alma chapter 29 verse 9 from the Book of Mormon (a volume of scripture translated by the prophet Joseph Smith) ~
I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance, and this is my joy.

Studying Mandarin. (I still draw good lamas!)

I went up to the sister in the red and her friend and (in Chinese) said "you are so cute" and they literally LOST IT. They were so happy and could not stop laughing. Finally they calmed down and we got a pic. hahaha I love them!

I got to hold a hideous dog (loved it!). It's name - Popcorn.

Some of my favorite sisters!

Our lil class and one of our Laoshi (teacher's) who left (tearz)


Studying Mandarin. (I still draw good lamas!)

I went up to the sister in the red and her friend and (in Chinese) said "you are so cute" and they literally LOST IT. They were so happy and could not stop laughing. Finally they calmed down and we got a pic. hahaha I love them!

I got to hold a hideous dog (loved it!). It's name - Popcorn.

Some of my favorite sisters!

Our lil class and one of our Laoshi (teacher's) who left (tearz)