This week we saw so many miracles! I have 5 minutes so I will be brief but basically we went on 3 exchanges, have 3 this coming week and we are so busy but it's the best! Our investigators are doing sooo well! We have Lu Yu Qi JieMei getting baptized in a couple weeks and Zhang Meng Yue JieMei progressing well towards her baptism in August! I have been amazed as we have been teaching families to see how much light the gospel brings to them and their home. I love seeing when investigators begin to develop their own daily habit of reading and praying! When they do, the next meeting you can notice a clear difference in how happy they are! Jesus Christ's gospel brings so much joy. I love our investigators and I love serving in Taoyuan~ the ward and the people are are so incredible.
We had two high schoolers call us last night and ask if they could meet with us today so we gotta bike super fast right now to meet them and share the gospel!
I love you all and I pray for you! Have a wonderful day and remember Jesus Christ is your Savior!
de banana spider 香蕉蜘蛛
hiking and our head almost gets stuck in this.....
Sister Jensen luvs meh: hiking last pday!

Breakfasts: 1 mango, some pineapple, some ice, no water, just bleeeeennnnnddddd
Okay so we are hiking and we just happen upon these insane bugs! Seriously felt like we were in jurassic park! Don't know what they're called in English but in Chinese they are 甲蟲
Observing the natures
Our angel 邱姊妹~ we had an awesome dinner and FHE at their house with our investigators last Monday!
Ricky! This is our investigator Lu JieMei's son- Ricky! We had a cookie activity at the church and invited investigators and members. Fun fact: the Taiwanese like hard cookies-never make soft cookies- so we decided to make some super soft pumpkin choc chip cookies and they all loved them!
Part of the group<3 I love these people
cookie helpers<3
Our investigators- The Liao Family's child is the cutest child in the world (besides Jane but you get me) LOOK AT HER
greetings from sister j$ and I
it was raining and sister jensen is superstitious of acid rain so naturally....