She arrived in Taiwan last Thursday and has been having fun running around like a chicken with her head (and limbs) cut off with me hehe (but really your first week in Taiwan is all such a blur & I am so proud of her for being a crazy chicken with me<3) She is from Seattle and has such a cute personality. I will be training her for the next 12 weeks (aka we learn together because her Chinese is LEHI (awesome)) so we will be buds until a couple of days after Christmas! Just a couple of teenagers in the heart of Taibei Shi teaching about Jesus Christ in Mandarin Chinese. #SICK.
This past weekend of General Conference was so good and I was reminded of a lot of things. Top things were 1) how insanely lucky and blessed I am to have a family and to know I can be with them forever and ever (shout out to the fam) and 2) the truth that we cannot fall so far that we are out of reach of God's love. Here's what I mean:
Remember Wu XJ I told you about last week? She is so amazing that I just can't find the words. She came to the afternoon session of Conference on Sunday and she sat with a few of our church peeps, Ou JieMei and Wu Jiemei, while Sister Rhynard and I went to another room where we could watch Conference in English. When it ended we returned to Wu XJ and we saw her chatting and laughing with Ou JieMei and Wu Jiemei, and she was glowing with happiness. She is a pretty shy person but when we saw her there she was more HAPPY than I've ever seen her. When we asked her what she thought of the talks, she excitedly showed us a paper full of notes. She said, "I never knew I could have a relationship with God and Jesus and I never knew they loved me like that." *que tears of happiness* She also said, "And I had no idea that we could repent like that. I always thought repentance was just confessing and it always terrified me. It has been a really long time that I have been needing to repent and now I know that repentance is a freeing and happy thing."
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
Wu XJ will probably never understand how hard I was trying not to cry tears of joy because you could just see that she needed that feeling and she has been trying to find it for a really long time. I wish you could have seen how happy she was! The happiness that comes from Christ's gospel is unlike anything else and if you have felt the joy that comes from moving past mistakes, don't ever let it be forgotten. So many people wish they could have that feeling! You really cannot feel the happiness you were meant to feel until you get past your own mistakes. And because Jesus Christ has felt everything you have felt, you cannot do anything to change how much He loves you!
I love you all. I know that through Jesus Christ we each can change whatever we need to change that prevents us from feeling joy. We can each feel and have the joy that God intended for each of us!
all my love and hugsssss
mo jm
on top of the world
the missionaries made 300 pancakes for conference.
my personal contribution that I ate myself - Luòtuó