My new companions - the one and only Sister Birch and Sister Nielsen!
Transfers came I am staying in 竹北 but we have a trio now!!! HOLLA! Guys I love trios with all my heart.
It has been a serious party for the past 3 days and I think I am getting eye wrinkles from laughing so hard.
My new comps are Sister Birch and Sister Nielsen and they are both so incredible~ many miracles to come!
Sister Birch finished off the elder's food when they left HAHAHAHA
do u realize how tall I am here..
3 stooges
Really quick I want to tell you about Huang Jing Rong! Oh my goodness she is AMAZING! She is super set for baptism on 9/30 and she has so much faith! The past time we met with her it was so amazing to see how humble she is.
She loves God and starts every prayer by saying
『親愛的天父, 我愛您』 (Dear Heavenly Father, I love you).
We have been so amazed at the members just taking Huang Jing Rong in and involving her in a billion million things we didn't even know about.
They invite her to FHE's.
They read the Book of Mormon with her.
They take care of her son for her.
We are just constantly speechless at how much the members here serve God and do Christ's work. You can see how the gospel is already changing Huang Jing Rong as she is telling us all these miracles and things she learns as she prays and reads the Book of Mormon! She even started praying for ways to share the gospel and this past Saturday she brought a friend to an activity we put on and now the friend is meeting with us this coming week!! Seriously- thank you to all those who have been praying for Huang Jing Rong because straight up miracles are happening! I wish everyone could meet Huang Jing Rong!
Her faith is life-changing.
I wanna take a lil sec and let everyone know how much I love my Savior Jesus Christ!
I'm constantly so amazed at His power and His love. He really did set the perfect example for us and I find that every time I try to follow Him, I am
A happiness that the world can't give. I know that is how it is for anyone who tries to follow Christ's example. I have learned so much about Christ as I read the Book of Mormon. I have been pondering how sometimes investigators search for answers or want specific things from God or simply doubt that He is real. I love Enos in the Book of Mormon because he gets to a point in life where everything is weighing him down. That happens in life sometimes! But I love how Enos turns to the Lord and asks Him for forgiveness.
In Enos chapter 1 verse 5 it says,
"And there came a voice unto me saying, Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed."
and then in the next verse Enos tells us that his guilt was swept away. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! I am realizing that as we humble ourselves before the Lord and ask Him for help and forgiveness through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, He forgives us immediately. The power of repentance is not something God makes us wait for. If we are humble and we are willing to change and align our will with God's, there is nothing that He is unable to help us overcome. I love repentance. For any mistake, for anything that weighs me down, for anything that pulls me away form Christ, I can repent. I love the gospel and I know it is perfect and it is for everyone! This is the way to joy and hope in this life. I invite you to think of things weighing on you or anything you need some extra help with. Doubts, worries, complicated relationships, troubles at work, tests in school, seriously anything!
Just bring it to the Lord in prayer.
I promise God will hear and He will answer you and give you more than is possible to achieve by ourselves!
I love you all and I love this work with all my heart and soul! It really is life-changing. This life is so so precious. LIVE IT! I love you all so much!!
xoxox sister 莫
saying bye to sister nolan:'((((((((((((((( I LOVE YOU SISTER NOLAN! plus our incredibly special Huang Amah<3
and now a moment of silence for Huang Amah's high tops.
Dinner with investigators! 秀芸 and 佳柔<3