Sunday, July 24, 2016

WEEK 18: I Was Runnin' Through the 6 With My Woes

Happy last week of July!?! WHAT. This week has been incredible and we are just gonna get down to the knitty gritty (I can't spell sowwy).

So on Friday we went finding at a park called JinHe. It was about 7:45 and we had a lesson at 8 at the church, which is about a mile and a half away from JinHe park. So we hurry to get our helmets and super-fashionable fanguangdai (reflector vests) on and head off. I immediately hear this weird noise and my bike was SO HARD to pedal. So at a stoplight I asked Sister Bradley what was up and she was like "uhh your tire is completely flat"


But I decided it was okay, I'd just get an extra leg day in. So we kept going. Until I was making a turn and my tire slipped out. (breathe mom and dad, deep breaths, huxi!!) Haha so I pull over and sort of lost Sister Bradley up ahead and I was like "welp we gotta get there" so I started running my bike. Literally running like a maniac with a bike that did not want to be pushed for over a mile in the streets of downtown epic. I felt that I finally understood the meaning of "running through the 6 with my woes" on a very personal level. 

What was the outcome? We made it to the church in time to teach our new investigator, Leo! And I smelled horrible! And was dripping sweat the entire time!(see pics below) But he was so patient and he worked really hard to not laugh at me every time I talked so that was nice of him. The Taiwanese are the greatest...
What was really cool is that at the end of the lesson we talked to him about baptism and he said, "I could really use a new start." YAY!!

All I have been thinking about since this experience is the Lord making weak things become strong. Yesterday Sister Bradley and I drove back along the same roads I ran my bike along and we were both so confused how far it was and that we made it in time for the lesson. It was seriously the weirdest thing. But God does a lot of things we can't comprehend and always helps us through difficult things. 

I LOVE TAIWAN. The mission is definitely the best decision ever. I would not be able to be here without my incredible parents and brothers and Laura and everyone else who continues to support me. I will never be able to thank you all enough- I LOVE YOU so so much! 

JIAYOU my friends
all my love
sista mo

1. a vegetarian buffet. LIFE. we eat here at least 12x/week. I am slowly converting Sister Bradley
2. my sweat after running my bike...literally DRENCHED! you could have rung out my shirt
3. i wrote this for a member in our ward and it took me 2 hours. needed to document it
4. Ask me how I feel about Taiwan....5 THUMBS UP!
5. the hilarious Liao family
6. more vegetarian life
7. i got to see sister reinhard this week! YAY
8. everything is cute in Taiwan... :')