週年快樂!!!! First - Mom and Dad HAPPY 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!! I think of you every single day and of how grateful and blessed I am so have such amazing parents. You are my best friends, my greatest teachers in life, and have been the greatest examples to me of a relationship founded on friendship and love. YOU ARE AMAZING. I have more love and appreciation for you than I will ever be able to express. 25 years!!! Wow. I am a lucky bean. I love you more than words!!!
Ahh well my family and friends, I never know how to write these things to do justice to how much I love Taiwan. do I say that enough?! haha SORRY. This week started off in literally the greatest way a week could start off. Yo took us and the Elders to a gourmet vegetarian buffet and the food absolutely blew my mind. it was a gigantic room and along all four walls was like the fanciest, most delicious vegetarian food I have ever tasted in my life. IN MY LIFE. Heavenly Father seriously knows me so well to have called me to serve here in the promised land of fancy veg food.
NEXT. Sister Bradley and I have been so absolutely speechless at the incredible friends we have here in Taiwan.(Side note/backstory:Sister Bradley's back has been hurting her pretty badly lately so we were planning to get these backpacks but never had the time) It was a long day on Tuesday and we ended up getting fanged 3 times (aka three people didn't show up to our lessons) but we were still making the most of it. We ended up getting a call from our friends Kay, Yo, and Jack and they told us they wanted to go finding with us! Well it was almost time to head home and they still hadn't shown up so we were a little sad but mei guan xi! We got back home and as we were walking in the door, Kay, Jack, and Yo run up behind us and surprise us WITH THE BACKPACKS WE HAD CASUALLY MENTIONED GETTING. WHAT!? The people here are another type of people. They go to the ends of the earth to help others and do it all out of love and kindness. It amazes me. I love them sooo much.
I also wanted to share a super cool story from this week about our investigator/best friend Ai Lun! I mentioned her a while back and since then, we have finished teaching her all the lessons and she is so ready to be baptized. The only thing is that in Taiwan, the age for a legal adult is 20 and Ai Lun is 18 so she needs parental permission. She asked her dad and he said was that she didn't need to. We met with her on Friday and at the end of the lesson she asked the age for being able to serve a full-time mission!! I was so shocked that I thought I heard her wrong so I made her ask again hahah. Ai Lun wants to serve a mission! Her faith is incredible and it seems that every lesson with her she ends up teaching me something instead of vice versa. She tells us every time we see her how much she wants to be baptized. Please pray for her and her dad! I think Sister Bradley and I will start doing mission prep with her this week because she really, really wants to know more. SO EXCITING!
Lastly! Yesterday in church our teacher was talking about service and asked us a question that I love and wanted to share with da jia. It doesn't translate directly but it is along the lines of: How have others given and shown service for you and how do you serve others? I love to reflect about these types of questions and I think it is important to often think about and be grateful for all the ways, big and small, that others have helped me in my life. As I thought about this question, I was soo overwhelmed with how thankful I am for every person in my life and how incredible each of you are. I LOVE YOU ALL! If you have the chance this week, take a moment to think about this question too. It will change your life- wo yingxu ni (I promise you)! Okay maybe not your whole life but it will make you really really REALLY happy.
I love you da jia,
be safe and eat ur veggies
mo jie mei ^_^
1. Our ward had a little get together (as they do pretty much every week) and Lu Baba made his FAMOUS GALI! I made him pose with his gali.
2. This is doufu (tofu) plus pidan (thousand year egg). basically they ferment the egg for a month or so...the longer fermented = more expensive. it gets this really uh special flavor. who says vegetarians can't get a lil wild? HAHA
3. No words to describe how much I love these people!
4. MOM AND DAD'S HAPPY ANNI PHOTO! I posed with a camel to celebrate your 25 yrs of love.