this is 台灣 3005% in love :')
So apparently it is Father's Day in America....
and apparently my brother is a DAD!!! Ahhhhh CONGRATULATIONS IAN AND SAVANNAH!!! I can't believe how beautiful she is! You two will be the best parents in the world (after mom and dad or course~) I am so overjoyed for your lil family. I can't even imagine what you are feeling but I am so amazed by the blessing that lil Jane is! You two will be incredible parents<3 The gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families. It's one of the most simple and pure and precious truths of the gospel. It is so incredible to witness so many blessings in our family from an outside perspective as I have been serving in the mission. INCREDIBLE! I LOVE BABY JANE! Cutest little family in the world <3 I love you all!!
I am really trying so hard this email sesh to gather my thoughts but I feel so speechless at how good Heavenly Father is and how much He loves every single one of us!
I want to share a miracle that happened over the course of the past couple weeks! About a month ago we were meeting with a new investigator in the seating of her apartment complex and we ran into a woman named Jessie (mom I swear all the Jessie's I meet on my mission are MIRACLES!) We felt really prompted to go over and talk to her before the lesson and she was amazing. She knew we had a free English class and said she would be there the coming Wednesday! She came and loved it and said that the next week she would bring a friend she always talks about bringing :D We tried to find another time to teach Jessie more, but she was too busy. We kept in touch throughout the week and she was set to come to English the coming Wednesday and bring the friend but last minute she ended up having to work overtime and couldn't come to class. (The working situation in 台灣 is so insane- insane hours, little no breaks, no freedom, often no super set work schedule) So we missed her at class!
Next part of the story: The very next day we were studying at a McDonalds. (we do lang study at random public places haha we find the places with comfiest seating) This McDonalds is the most golden mcdonals in the world because every time we go we see miracles! Haha So we are studying some Mandarin and there is a super cute little girl and her mom right next to us. We started chatting with them and the mom, Liao Mu Mu, has the most friendly happy personality in the world! Seriously such a party. She had us weak we were laughing so hard. And her 2 year old daughter...oh my gosh do not even get me started on her 2 year old daughter....Sister Jensen and I DIE at how cute she is!
Liao Mu Mu recognized us as the missionaries and knew we taught a free english class and mentioned that one of her friends had invited her to come attend. Now- there are millions of people in 台灣。 Millions! And we hear all the time about how people are invited by a friend to our English class. So we didn't think toooo much of it and told her we share a message of how Jesus Christ's gospel blesses our families and she said, "You know I have always wanted my other daughter to be baptized. She isn't here right now but she is 8." Sister Jensen and I were like "uhhhhmm well can you meet tomorrow? We can give you a tour of our chapel and tell you more about why we are here and the message we share!" They came the very next day. It was such an incredible tour. The Spirit was so strong and you could feel how prepared they are for the gospel. The 8 year old daughter was adorable and she loved the chapel! I always think it's cute how even thought we don't really have toys or anything kids come in and absolutely love it. And at the end of the meeting we invited Liao Mu Mu to say a prayer for the 1st time in her whole life. We kneeled together and right after she said 『我們在天上的父』 she began crying. It was one of the most beautiful prayers I had ever heard in my life! They loved it and committed to start praying each night as a family.
The two stories come together: As we were walking out of the chapel, Liao Jm pulls up a picture of her friend Jessie on her phone and said, "this is the friend that was always trying to get me to come to your chapel to attend english class. now i know why"
No matter:
who we are
where we are
what we are doing
Heavenly Father is 100% aware of us and loves us and is waiting to bless us! I am so amazed at His perfect plan for this amazing family-that the VERY NEXT DAY we were able to meet them and to share with them. His power is so undeniable! I hope all of you can feel it each day. Take some time to think about it, ponder it, and pray to know that He knows you. I don't think I have ever understood God's love for me and awareness of my until I began reading the Book of Mormon with the desire to know. If we read, pray, and ask God if it is all true, with a real desire to know, I know He will answer us and I know it will be miraculous! I'm just an average Joe and He has answered all of my prayers. Remember it will always be on His will and His time but remember that His will and His timing will always be better than ours! I love you all and I pray for you! Happy Fathers Day to the best dad in this world- GRANDPA NOEL! I love you so much. And I can never seem to find the words adequate enough to express how much I love you and how grateful I am for all that you do for me and our family and those around you. You have taught me so much about compassion and humility, and selflessness. Thank you for being the most amazing Dad in the world- I love you with all my heart!
sista 莫
LAST PDAY HAHAHAHAHAH I GOT WRECKED! Okay how to describe this: I actually thought I was dead at one point. I was laying on my stomach and the problem was that my hips were super out of alignment. So he puts his heel into my lowerback/tailbone, wraps my ankles together with a rope and after 3 little lifts of the rope he literally RIPS my ankles upwards so that my thighs lift off the table and I ACTUALLY THOUGHT HE BROKE MY BACK!! I laid there and thought I was dead and then after a few moments I realized I was not. I was alive. And when I moved my foot, the pain in the back of my leg that shot up to my lower back was completely gone.....yeah I really don't know.... ! 還活著
雨衣 for dayszzz
i wuv sister j