Sunday, July 23, 2017

week 67: sugar

happy dance while talking to Moira

Hey fam this week a really really serious problem occurred 
and I am not doing well. Prayers appreciated.

So we were going over to the wonderful 汪家庭 for dinner on Sunday. They work with a lot of international students and had flown in some people from good old America this week. They were so sweet and wanted to make us missionaries some authentic no-bake cookies. CLEARLY we were stoked because I haven't had a real American cookie in forever! (if we ever make sweets here in Taiwan with the ward/for an activity, we don't add sugar). 
Well I took a bite and DANG WHAT DO WE EAT IN AMERICA? SO SWEET!!!!!!! It left this super powerful, poignant flavor in my mouth from how sweet it was. But this is not even the problem. After dinner Sister J and I went to go teach our AMAZING investigator, Cai Jing Wen and that cookie came in like a 
wrecking ball. 
Man that thing came crashing down and 
I actually thought I could die my stomach hurt so bad. 
The whole lesson was an awkward stream of bearing testimony of the 
Plan of Salvation while simultaneously trying not to scream in pain for how terrible my stomach felt hahahah. Good thing Cai JM is the best and she gave me allllllll the Chinese medicine. However, the sugar in that cookie killed all of the powers of Chinese medicine and I am still sitting in uncomfortable death as I type this email to you. (also either the cookie or the medicine turned my tongue completely black so that was a lil surprising this morning.) 

Moral of everything: We eat poison in America. 加油

Okay besides food poising, there were so many miracles this past week! 
Do you remember Moira? Our golden investigator I met my first Pday here in Taoyuan? Well she is away in Longtan for a month studying but we have been having FaceTime lessons with her and staying in close touch. 
Well she came back this past weekend for a day and we got to meet with her. I absolutely can't even begin to explain the difference in light in her face! She was a completely different person!! We started with a prayer and right as we said 『阿們』Moira starts telling us 
how Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon have changed her life. 
When we met her, she was super sad and down. Like we were constantly trying to just get her to smile. But because she has been reading and praying everyday and she went off about how much easier it is 
to make friends, to love people, to have hope and have direction. 
She has the light of Chirst in her life!! 
There are no words to describe that change in people! 
Only in and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 
So she went back a couple days ago and just last night I called her. She picked up the phone and goes, "Sister Armstrong, I want to be baptized the Sunday I get back. What do I need to do?" aoudfgaofsdnvgoausdfhgo can you even describe that feeling!? She moved her baptismal date up 2 weeks and she is so excited to be baptized! Also she said, "Okay I am going to hang up the phone. I found a scripture I want to share with my friends." She has also given her friends copies of the Book of Mormon after reading with them and them telling Moira that they felt that "the words in the Book of Mormon were powerful." There are so many miracles in this work!!! 
There is no greater joy than sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ!! I love that as Moira shares the gospel her personal faith has grown exponentially. I wish all of you could see the change in her eyes! 

Well another miracle- we were in church yesterday and this woman walked in from Kenya. Her bother-in-law is Taiwanese and is a member and he brought her to church with him. Guess what her name is...


(silent tears hehe shoutout to baby jane)  Well Jane is a walking miracle. We translated the whole 3 hours for her and at the end she said, "I have never felt this happy in my life." After chatting about the power of the gospel, Jane says to us, "How do I become part of your church?" She then asked us to be baptized!!!! WHAT! 

Ah how do I put these things into words? 

I want so badly for everyone to experience the joy of this gospel! It's so indescribable and I am so grateful for angels like Moira and Jane that exhibit the power of Jesus Christ in their lives. 

Other news: we have 10 investigators getting baptized in the coming month. Transfers are this coming Wednesday and I will probably move :'((((((((((((((((((((( 
I have loved every second of serving with Sister J and with the beautiful people here in Taoyuan! It really is the land of milk and honey. 
I want to be a missionary forevs. Good thing we all can hehe:) 

I love you all! 
Invite: do something this week to feel God and Jesus Christ's power in your life. I pray for youuuuuuuuuu

sis 莫

Eating at the world's most hipster veggie restaurant with our investigator 
(fam we are going here next summer)

Pinterest 嗎?

The cutest 吳姐妹 you eva seen

heart eyes

Best surprise EVER!!!! One of our members had us over for dinner and 蔡姊妹 surprised me there! I love them sooooo much

台灣<3 food by Cai JM<3

Mom! This is the angel that has been sending you random pics of me!! I luh her

the cookies that ended all cookies *disclaimer that Sister Jensen and I are of course soooooo grateful that they made us cookies!!! They are so sweet. I just actually got food poisoning b/c I'm not used to America

Mornings in the flat>>>

Zhong Zhong! 鍾鍾

Dior and Wendy after church~ crew