I cannot believe it has been 9 weeks. It has felt like an eternity & at the same time, a day. The MTC has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I have learned so much and met incredible people here. People from all over the world! I love how diverse this place is. I have been stretched and challenged in ways I didn't know were possible, but have made it through every struggle by the help and grace of God. I mean I can *prettymuch* get by in a conversation with a native Chinese speaker and it has only been 2 months?! WHAT IS THAT? A miracle. Definitely a miracle.
So yes- the next time you hear from me I will be in TAIWAN!! 7000 miles over the Pacific! Words cannot express my excitement or gratitude for this experience. I love you all and your support and love help me through. Thank you for everything!
p.s. you know how you say "geng-ho!" to express being all for something/excitement about something? well that literally translates to "more good" in Chinese! so YES you all know a Chinese word and it took all of us here 9 weeks to realize it! hahah
I love you all!!!
mo jie mei
1. A lil earth angel named Sister Austad.
2. One of my favorite humans - Sister Woo.
3. Our little MTC fam.
4. My tongban + Sister Woodruff
5. More of some of the greatest people I know.
6. Sister Woo on the left & Sister Zhang (from Taiwan!) on the right. Saying I am going to be tall in Taiwan is a bit of an understatement. hahaha
7. More cute sisters from Taiwan.
8. Sister Shih! SO CUTE LOOK AT HER!
9. Wode ai Sister Zhang <3
10 & 11. Some super hilarious eye magnifying glasses. The glasses obsession continues.
12. Chosen by the thug life (@ laura where you at)
13. i know my arm looks huge/i look huge and it is prob because I am standing next to the smallest/cutest person alive