Where do I even begin?

I really wish I was more eloquent with words so I could tell you how incredible that moment was and how I have never known more clearly how much Heavenly Father knows and loves each one of us and the fact that the gospel changes lives. The baptismal service was sooo beautiful! There were about 40 people there at the service supporting Gong JieMei. Our member shared a little message about baptism and then Gong JM was baptized. The happiness in that moment was unlike anything I have ever felt. I really cannot describe it! You hear all these stories of missions being the happiest thing and I thought I had pretty well understood that! Hahah but let me tell you- thinking back through all the moments we have had with Gong JM and seeing that everything had led up to that moment and seeing the change & excitement and joy in her eyes was life-changing.

I really wish I was more eloquent with words so I could tell you how incredible that moment was and how I have never known more clearly how much Heavenly Father knows and loves each one of us and the fact that the gospel changes lives. The baptismal service was sooo beautiful! There were about 40 people there at the service supporting Gong JieMei. Our member shared a little message about baptism and then Gong JM was baptized. The happiness in that moment was unlike anything I have ever felt. I really cannot describe it! You hear all these stories of missions being the happiest thing and I thought I had pretty well understood that! Hahah but let me tell you- thinking back through all the moments we have had with Gong JM and seeing that everything had led up to that moment and seeing the change & excitement and joy in her eyes was life-changing.
After she came back from getting ready, Sister Rhynard and I sang "Abide with Me" and then Gong JieMei shared her feelings and testimony. You know how I have mentioned before how much she loves to talk?? Well she gets up there, pauses and then goes, "我真的很感動。我不知道我應該說什麼," And then she started tearing up!!!! FAM! Gong JM has never teared up or really anything close!!!! Sister Rhynard and I were so shocked and then it was just the craziest and coolest and most beautiful thing to see how at peace and happy she was. She went on to share about how peaceful and warm she felt (sounds better/makes more sense in Mandarin so I am sorry if that sounds like awkward English, I really don't know anymore hahaha) But wow. It was the happiest moment ever and I can't tell you the feeling in that room. I am at a LOSS for words. Basically I just want everyone in the world to have that exact experience and feel the unbelievable love that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for all of us. Their love and the Atonement of Jesus Christ can get us through anything and give us joy that we can't find anywhere else. I really experienced that this week. <3 :'))))))))))))))
Ah what else! Here are some of my favorite other moments of this BLESSED week:
1. Sister Rhynard and I were heading to the chapel for a lesson with a new investigator, Zhang Yi, and we pulled up and parked and started getting our 東西 ready and this guy parks at the church and frantically walks over to where we were parked. He was super out of breath and just stood there looking at us trying to catch his breath. We were both a lil confused so I go, "Hi are you okay?? and he goes "You ride really fast!" Sister Rhynard and I look at each other and I was like 什麼東西?!So I said "You followed us!?!?" hahahaha (mom and dad don't worry I handle these situations very professionally hahah) He said "Yes my friend told me to follow you but you ride really fast!" and we were like well why did you follow us? and he said "I want a bible". Our investigator was standing right therewith us and was mortified at the fact that this guy had followed us...but 後來 we made sure he got a bible. hahaa
2. Yesterday we had 6 INVESTIGATORS come to church! Sister Rhynard and I didn't even know what to do with ourselves. It was the coolest miracle ever. The night before we had one of our investigators, Chen Fen Fan's, friend call us and say, "Hey my friend is meeting with you and she says she is learning a lot. I heard you have church tomorrow and I want to come with you all!" UMYESOFCOURSECOME! It was soooo cool- she came, loved it and we are meeting with her tonight! We also had Chen Fen Fan, Zhang Yi, Shi Lan, and Wu XJ & her son. It was insane how well our members welcomed them and to see the love that everyone had. YESTERDAY WAS JUST SO AMAZING 大家!#happy #lifelaughlove #fun # lyf3
I really have no words to do this week justice. There's so many little things every day where you see the hand of God at work in people's lives and constantly witnessing those things brings the most happiness! Hearing our investigators tell us about miracles that happen in their lives and seeing the changes they make has really affected me. They teach me so much! I think the beauty of having friends and family and loved ones is that we can see changes in their lives that teach us. I think sometimes it is so hard to tell if we are improving or if we can feel God's love or if these insane moments of happiness and love and growth really do occur. But it is always something that we can notice in others, and to be extremely grateful that they are feeling that love and happiness. I definitely know Heavenly Father answers our prayers through other people! It happens with just about everyone we talk to. We have so much to learn from others and so much to learn about God and Jesus Christ's love for us!!
I really hope you can feel Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's love this week!! It is a love that should uplift you and motivate you and give you peace. I love you all and am soooo grateful for every single person in my life! HAVE FUN HAVE FUN
luv u all with my whole heart