Meet Fen Fan. She is amazing and Sister Rhynard and I are constantly talking about how happy we feel after every time we met with her. She has taught me so much about faith in the past couple months we have been teaching her! She is one of the most prepared people ever to meet the gospel.
Our Side of the Story: One Saturday night a couple months ago, I was feeling like we needed to invite more people to church. So I browsed through our cell phone contacts and found a number that said "Referral Chen Fen Fan." Turns out it was a referral from one of our church members that had been in our phone forever but just never got contacted. So I called her and invited her to come to church with us the next day. She responded, "well I am already Christian and I am going to another church." But then I was like, "oh cool! have you ever thought about where all these Christian churches came from? and why there are so many?" and she was quiet for a second and then goes, "actually yeah I have wondered about that". And then I say something along the lines of, "well your church is in the morning and ours is in the afternoon! meet us tomorrow at 1:20 and we can talk about why there are so many churches." The next Sunday SHE CAME right at 1:20!!! And she stayed for all 3 hours of church and then wanted to talk about why there were so many churches. We shared the Restoration with her and from that point on she kept every commitment to prepare to be baptized. It was a huge miracle. Huge.
But little did we know that it was actually WAY HUGER (yes it's a word) than we even knew!!!
After Chen JieMei was baptized she got to share a lil testimony. I want to write it down how she said it (but in English):
"A couple months ago I was watching Good TV (the Christian station here in Taiwan) and I was wondering why there are so many churches. I have been to a lot of churches, been baptized 3 different times. DURING the time I was watching Good TV the phone rang and it was Mo JieMei. She introduced herself then asked me if I had ever thought about where all these churches come from! She said that she and Rao JieMei could teach me about why there are so many churches and she invited me to come to church with them the next day. I went and the moment I got there I felt like I was in the right place and that Heavenly Father had lead me there."
I was speechless. Heavenly Father seriously leads us missionaries to people who are ready to hear the gospel. I am so amazed at the Lord's hand in helping Fen Fan find the answer she had been praying for! It resulted in one of the most converted people I have ever met, and someone who has taught me so much about faith and the restoration of the gospel in this time. I have been pondering about this experience a lot and grateful to witness a miracle. I feel like we seldom see the results of why we felt to do something. As we keep trying to follow the Savior's teachings we are led to do things that a lot of the time we can't see direct outcomes of our efforts. Or think of it like whenever you do an act of kindness or service- 99% of the time you cannot see the results of your efforts. And sometimes that's the hard part because you might think it was all in vain. But I know for sure that no act of service to do something for another person that you feel the need to do is ever wasted! Heavenly Father always keeps His promises. He blesses us and others as we try to follow Jesus Christ and His teachings. I love how simple this gospel is- that's something I understand even greater from Chen JieMei :')
I love you all so much. Thank you for your continual support and love and for taking time out of your lives to email me! It means the world to me. I am kinda out of time cuz we are about to eat a vegetarian curry sushi roll called "Steph Curry" so it's a bit urgent..
HAHA it is literally the only item in English on the menu and it is a vegetarian sushi roll called Steph Curry!! All my favorite things in one little bite :')
I love you more than I love Steph Curry.
Mo JieMei
the streets of JiuFen

This was the clearest day I have seen the whole time I have been in Taiwan! We got up to JiuFen and the rain stopped and the sun came out and BAM! :') I basically have no words for how much I love JiuFen.

sister rhynard and lu jiemei<3

Our Japanese Thanksgiving! Basically everyday is Thanksgiving here in 台灣 (as you have probably noticed from my pictures hahaha) Happy Thanksgiving America!!
OUR PEOPLE! We organized a Thanksgiving activity with food and a play of Nephi & the brass plates for our ward and it was AMAZING! Such a good turnout and all we had to do was get members to make food and invite people and when you got free food you got an activity #winning (no joke I was trying to figure out what we were going to do for decorations and asking around and finally someone was like "莫姐妹 我們是台灣人我們不管!" hahaha it means "mo jie mei we are taiwanese and we do not care about that stuff". reason #793 why I love Taiwan.