One of those times (aka all the time) where I would love to write you an essay on how much I love Taiwan and the people here and being a missionary---> This week was legittttttt and Sister Rhynard had I had so much fun! It has been great how we’ve become so close over the past 10 weeks through everything we have been learning together and I will miss her like crazy when transfers come in a couple weeks! :'( my lil child </3
1. 張姐妹! (far left) Zoe. She is an investigator we have been meeting with for about a month now and she has been coming to church every Sunday! Lately she has been a bit undecided on baptism until our lesson this past week. It was one of the most powerful lessons I have ever been in. We really tried to understand what was holding her back and she opened up to us a lot. We told her we know we have no possible way to understand the challenges she faces but we know that Jesus Christ completely understands her. We shared personal experience and our member helping us teach shared a story with her. It was so amazing to see that through all of our different challenges and trials in life- even though they were all extremely different- the Savior and the gospel helped us through. 張姐妹 started crying and said “I know God caused us to meet as part of His great plan for my life.”

2. 鄭姐妹, a 20 year old who also doubles as our best friend, has taken over the role of "missionary" in our lessons and basically teaches us every time. She is amazing and her faith inspires me so much! She fully trusts God and Jesus Christ and knows that they will help her through everything. I have never met anyone with as much faith as her! It has been the greatest blessing to learn from her and to learn the gospel with her<3 She is getting baptized on 12/31!
3. We have ANGELS in our life - people in our current ward who know Sister Rhynard's family in the States! - whom we randomly met at the chapel. They gave us little bags full of CHRISTMAS presents! :'))))) Christmas decor and pretty much anything festive does not really exist here in Taiwan because it's not a part of the culture (lol duh) so the little bits of Christmas looking stuff has been way fun! People in this world are so good. As is constant, I am amazed at the kindness and thoughtfulness of the people I’ve come to know here. Always, always amazed by the Taiwanese!!
4. The individuals we are teaching here are so solid. They ask the best questions and Sister Rhynard and I keep reflecting on the blessing it is to get to share the gospel with people who are so prepared and ready and willing to hear what we have to share! I love the people here in XinAn and WanDa and am so grateful to serve here.
I am so grateful for Christ’s gospel. I'm so grateful for the indescribable blessing that is TAIWAN is in my life! All the people, the culture, the ways the gospel is being shared- I would not trade this experience for the world. I love you all and fam I cannot wait to see your faces in less that 2 WEEKS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you! 我愛你 我愛你 我愛你!
merry xmass tehe
4. our chapel on Saturday! The English ward and the Jin Hua wards put on a huge nativity production to reenact the Savior's birth and it was a m a z i n g! I have never seen anything like it! We had 3 of our investigators come to it and they all said they finally understood why there is Christmas!! Hahahah YAY mission accomplished!

5) this is the one and only 龔巧珍。 she reminds me so much of Grandma and it makes me so happy. she wears these glasses- they are the gong jm glasses and they are level 500. i don't speak prescription language but i know that's a lot because when i put them on i can't see ANYTHING. Also it was Mov Monday (mov is this pink color of my jacket AND the color of her glasses!) On Mondays we Mov and 剛剛好 i had a suit jacket and gong jm's mov glasses #movmonday

more photos
1. dis ma birthday cake! our church family made my birthday<3 in this photo - with some of my best friends who surprised me with sushi!
2. THE MOST legit veg sushi roll in the entire world. like it won a prize for being so good...(yes i take pictures of food & yes I eat food 哈哈 #抱歉)
3. we bought BOOTS! #merrychristmas

5) this is the one and only 龔巧珍。 she reminds me so much of Grandma and it makes me so happy. she wears these glasses- they are the gong jm glasses and they are level 500. i don't speak prescription language but i know that's a lot because when i put them on i can't see ANYTHING. Also it was Mov Monday (mov is this pink color of my jacket AND the color of her glasses!) On Mondays we Mov and 剛剛好 i had a suit jacket and gong jm's mov glasses #movmonday

6. this is 小林長老 (little elder lin). he is my best bud :') SO CUTE
7) don't ask what i am doing but plz zoom in on Sister Rhynard's face. thank you.