你好 Nǐ hǎo
:D I am emailing early early today because we are going to the temple and then to the gandola's in maokong! (look it up! srsly!) I am so sorry but I really don't have too much time for a weekly email! Here's a quick miracle from this week:
ANNIE/林姐妹! We started talking to Annie on the street on our way to lunch on Friday. She walked right up to us and said "hi I read the Bible!" We talked briefly with her about the bible but she was in a hurry to get to class. We asked her if she had time after class that we could talk more and she set up with us for 5:30 pm the same day! She really loves God and talked about how much He has helped her in her life:') We gave her a Book of Mormon and invited her to read it and she seemed excited about it. SO CUTE! We told her it was God's words too and that she could learn more about Jesus Christ through reading it. She told us, "I think this is another book of God's help". YES ANNIE YOU'RE SO RIGHT!
The tripan is going well! Literally every day is like 3 musketeers taking on Taipei city and it's a party hahah I think we have too much fun *insert sassy hand emoji* I am always in amazement that the Lord has given us this life and that He has provided everything we need to find joy in it! The thing though is that we will never be able to find lasting happiness through the world but only through Him.
all my 心
seester mo
It's Sister Barber! She is the one I met at the store the day before I went into the MTC and we both found out that we would be serving in Taipei City :D SO good to see her.
101 building in the background

We met this man at Elephant Mountain and he introduced himself as follows: "I am Bond. James Bond. That is my English name."
I organized a workout class! It's the Bikini Body guide thing and literally every night at least one of them will call asking us if we are "bikini bodying" the next morning hahahah I LOVE IT
I FOUND A PENNY!!!!!!! This is Penny from ZhongHe (my first area) and I have missed her SO MUCH! SO MUCH LOVE FOR PENNY! LOOK AT HER. SO SMALL. SO CUTE.SO PENNY
please look at this child. . .hair is on POINT
did i tell you that i love penny?
A message from my best friend 卉珺 She sent the sweetest email and the google translation is absolutely terrible! She wants to get into BYU and I told her she is rooming with me if she does. I love her so much!! (p.s. taiwan has the cutest photo apps)
Hi 莫姐妹我是卉珺