1st: HAPPY BIRTHDAY (today) IAN!!! You are one of my best friends in this world. I love you and miss you and hope you have the best birthday ever! I will celebrate your birthday here with red bean soup and sharing the 福音好不好?:)
Well I moved out of the fun brain - Toufen (I am so sorry you just will not get this joke hahah) and I am in.....
TAOYUAN 4th WARD! (Taoyuan means "peach garden")

Sister Cullen down low: born in San Fran (HOLLA) , grinds her own wheat, extremely hard worker, computer programmer, allergic to bad food, voice of an angel, knows how to have fun, loves everyone, gets to WErK.
I am so excited for this new transfer and calling and to be serving with a literal earth angel! The church is really strong here in TaoYuan. We have an awesome investigator named Maggie Cai who is preparing to be baptized on April 22. (mom everything good has been happening on the 22nd on my mission... :D) We have been focusing on the sacrament with our investigators. It's incredible to know we can repent and change our lives through Jesus Christ and take the Sacrament every Sunday to have a new start.
Our potential is unlimited in the eyes of our Lord and that is the most empowering thing in the world!
I LOVE being a missionary in the land of no carpets (literally never seen carpet my whole entire mission) and the kindest people in the world!
I love you 大家!我一直為你們做禱告<3
loves and beans
Us missionaries at la playa playing sports. Wow I miss sports! (Laura you know)