Another family we are teaching! The Huang/Zeng Family: the little girl is 7 and her name is Huang Yi Jie. She wanted to say a prayer with us and she prayed for 100 dogs, 300 cats, and a house big enough for all of them to live in!
1st: Lu Jie Mei will be getting baptized in the next couple weeks! They are going on a family vacation to Japan so we have to schedule around that. She is amazing! She is reading the Book of Mormon and praying each day. I love that even though small trials will come up, because she has the habit of reading and praying daily, God helps her see miracles that clearly answer and resolve her concerns! She is so amazing! Lots of love for LuYuQi JM:)
2nd: Sister Jensen and I went on 4 exchanges the past week and a half. It was so busy!! Back to back exchanges. Every time we go on exchanges I am so amazed by how incredible the Sister missionaries are. I have learned so much from them! It's cool to see how everyone missionary's in their own way and as long as we rely on the Lord and are obedient in His work, He will be able to work miracles through us. This week we saw an amazing miracle with a mother and her daughter. We met them on the street and without much of an introduction to who we are and what we do, Sister Jensen asks, "Do you want to come to our chapel?" And before she even finished the woman said yes. Well she showed up yesterday afternoon with her 17 year old daughter and they both have already set baptismal dates for 8/26! The Spirit is incredible and was so strong the entire lesson we shared because the mom and daughter had such a huge desire to come unto Christ! Soo miracle!
3rd: Wendy and Dior, the two high schoolers I mentioned last email, set a baptismal date last Wednesday and have been praying each day for God's help to be prepared by August 15th. Seriously such a miracle! We have also been teaching the cute family in one of the pictures I sent - the woman with her sister- in-law and 7 year old daughter who loves dogs. They are developing a relationship with God. I really loved what one of them said when we asked why they were willing to meet with us. She said, "I have never had the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ before and I think this is really something that will help our family." Wow!! Literally so golden! Also, they don't work on Sunday's because they believe it is a family day. This is SO RARE here in Taiwan! Pray for them please:D
This week was just so so good and continues to be as we are about to go to the temple so #祝福.
I was talking to a Taiwanese girl my age who is thinking of serving a mission. It made me think about how about 2 years ago (oh my gosh 2 years wut..) when I was making the decision to serve I mostly just felt so “unqualified”. I had always gone to church, prayed and studied scriptures, but I think the gospel just hadn't clicked for me quite yet. Two years later and I look back and FREAK OUT to think that it was even an idea in my mind to not serve a mission!!! I have learned so much about my Savior, Jesus Christ, and have felt the joy He gives us fill my soul for the past year+.
It has changed my life.
I know that change only happens through repentance through Jesus Christ's Atonement!
I talked to the girl considering a mission about how no matter where we are at in life, no matter where our faith is, no matter what we think of ourselves, God knows best and He has a PERFECT plan prepared for our lives. He gives us our agency and all we are required to do is to faithfully use it. God presents each of us with specific opportunities in life. All we have to do is pray and move forward in faith. I am SO GLAD I didn't follow the doubts I had about serving a mission and let that prevent me from going.
I can't even express my gratitude to my Savior! We can find happiness in this life on our own. But I now know that no happiness in this life can compare to the joy our Savior and Heavenly Father want to give us. Trust Them! One of the biggest things that hold us back is pride - if we give it up it will allow us to try to trust in our Savior. That is all we are asked to try!
I know if we take a step in faith rather then fall back in doubt, we will allow a perfect God to have a place in our life, to change it to become something so incredible we could have never have accomplished on our own.
all the love
Sister 莫
On a rooftop in Taiwan. Teaching about Jesus Christ. Doesn't get better.
Don't be a PHUBBER!

this is Leon! Our investigators cute, sassy son. He reminds me so much of you, Peyton! :)
Eating in Taiwan- straight from nature. + taiwanese ama goals>>>
selfie with the storm
Teaching Lu Yu Qi JM<3 we love this family!! they're progressing so well:)
Exchanges with SISTER ZHONG LOVE OF MY LIFE (she's from southern Taiwan)
writing notes to investigators-Taiwan has the best stationary. also best everything.
this family thoughhhhhhhhhh>>>>>>
This is Jiu. We love Jiu.
Wendy and Dior<33333333
I bought an elephant dress....for 100NT. I will let you go convert that to USD