Thursday, April 14, 2016

WEEK 2:  LOVE <3

Nimen hao family and friends!!!

Mandarin word of the day: shenme dongxi. Say it really fast: "shen-maa dong-shee." Literally translates to what the stuff but means what the heck. This is my all-time favorite word in Mandarin.

Now that you now that......SHENME DONGXI, my brother is getting married!?!? You know you are on a mission when your mom sends a letter and casually slips in the "I'm sure you have heard -- Ian proposed to Savannah."  Actually THANKS A LOT IAN. Despite my being the last person in the entire universe to find this out it doesn't change how incredibly excited and happy I am for both of you. I love y'all (that was for Savannah cuz Texas) I am so sad to miss the wedding but I hope the life-size cardboard cut-out of me makes it in ALL your wedding pics. ;)

Also I have another "shenme dongxi" story... So we were role-playing and teaching our Laoshi (teacher) as if he was actually an investigator of the church. I honestly don't remember what I was trying to say, but I look straight into his eyes and with all seriousness I say, "Wo yao ni." This quite simply translates to "I want you." HAHAHAAHA  I am trying to teach someone about Jesus and I look at them with a straight face and say I WANT YOU!! Thennnnn a couple seconds later he's like "ni yao wo?!?! Shenme dongxi?!" (You want me? What the heck?!?!) It was one of the funniest moments of my life and I could NOT pull it together for the rest of the lesson. So yeah, shenme dongxi.

Anyway, I thought I would share something a tiny bit more serious. Le topic of the day (and of life) is LOVE <3. This week love keeps coming up for me. I have been thinking about how everyone talks about love and says it everyday, but I am wondering if I am actually showing it. I was reading 1 Corinthians 13 for personal study and read verse 8- "Charity never faileth". Or as I interpret it: A little love never hurt nobody (that's a song but I don't remember the name #mishlife).  Then I read an article about what one woman's children had taught her about love. The lessons she learned were 1) everyone deserves love, 2) we're all one big family and 3) everyone believes differently. Children are the best examples of love and inclusion - it's the only way they know until they are taught to see people differently. I know these lessons seem soooo simple and it's because they are! The heart of Jesus's message is love. Why do we make it so much harder than it needs to be?

As I am working to be the kind of companion and friend I would want to have myself, I have really been trying to understand how Jesus loved & loves us. If we all love as He did while he was on earth and as he does now, no one should EVER feel lonely, left out, unappreciated or unloved. It is so easy to love those who love us and are like us, but I don't know why I limit myself to showing love to only those who fit into those categories. Not one single person thinks or believes the same as you or me.  We can find something amazing and different in everyone we meet if we let ourselves love with no limits. 

For me, it is helpful to remember that I am flawed and make mistakes everyday, but Heavenly Father is always pouring out His love regardless of anything I do (if you don't believe me wake up at 6:30 and watch the sunset- God love us lots). THAT is the kind of love I want to have for people. I found a 14-day love challenge if you wanna spread sum luv:

Day 1: show patience with someone
Day 2: overlook someone's shortcomings
Day 3: look beyond looks
Day 4: resist the impulse to categorize others
Day 5: see a situation through the other person's eyes
Day 6: forgive somebody who you feel has wronged you
Day 7: don't criticize actions or circumstances
Day 8: show mercy to someone
Day 9: give 10 minutes to really listen to somebody (I especially love this one)
Day 10: speak kindly
Day 11: express thanks to somebody either verbally or through a note
Day 12: focus on what you have in common with everyone you meet
Day 13: offer a genuine compliment
Day 14: see everyone you talk to through God's eyes

I really did not expect to feel so much peace and love being physically separated from all my loved ones and spending each day with people who were complete strangers 2 weeks ago, but in the past couple days I have been *trying* to implement a better quality of love for people & for life. Lemme tell ya, it works! I think if we just TRY, we will feel God’s love for us and that helps us keep going. Maybe this is just a gigantic email rant for myself because I need to be reminded over and over again, but if you try out the challenge or even just one day, EMAIL ME and let me know how it goes.  Actually you can email me regardless.  I really love hearing from all of you and if you need to feel love I would be happy to tell you how great you are! 

I hope everyone has a great week in civilization!!!  I wish I could hug you all.

Sending lots of love and virtual hugs. 
Sista Armstrong / Mo Jie Mei

P.S. Picture Captions: 
1) Neature
2) Sister Clark from Sweden. She is my 4th mom (the order is #1Mom  #2 Laura  #3 Peyton)
4) Sister Woo from Korea. She is my workout bud and I LOVE HER. She makes me do (3) 1-minute 30 second planks with her AFTER we are dead from a circuit workout. #projectnotgetfat
5)  The typical mish zone pic at the temple, wo do tongbanmen (my companions)
6)  Making mini hearts how they make them in Asia - with your thumb and pointer fingers
7)  Niu You Guo -- avocado (best food on the planet!)
8)  Photo added by Jess taken by Ian:  Ian “happened” to be at the temple, needing a break from finals(??) and "bumped into" Hailey and her comps while walking to the temple.