Wednesday, July 13, 2016

WEEK 16: Walkin' On A Dream!

Da Jia Haooooo<3 

I feel like every one of my emails starts the same way where I don't actually know what to say or how to explain how much I LOVE TAIWAN! This week was incredible. We celebrated the 4th of July by our friend Yo buying humongous fireworks, lighting them off, and getting kicked out of the park by the police. OOPS! It was all of us missionaries and investigators and friends and it was such a good time. Before we lit off the fireworks, Yo had everyone answer the question, "What brings light to your life?" I love this question! (fitting with the fireworks- you go Yo). At the time I answered "family and friends." But I thought about this question often throughout the past week and realized how many things bring light into my life. I love thinking about things that bring light because light is such a warm, happy thing! So many things this week brought light to my life:
1. Our English class students...they are incredible and teach me more than I will probably ever teach them
2. Whenever I realize I just had a conversation with someone in Chinese.
3. Having an investigator text us, "good morning, i love you!' 
4. Giant avocados.
5. Meeting a girl with a t-shirt that said "miracle" on it who ended up being super interested in hearing about Jesus Christ and set up to meet with us...She definitely gave us a not-so-subtle-hint hahah YAY
6. Having only face-to-face conversations.
7. Being given a pumpkin. hollaaaaaaa
8. Going out in the typhoon (taifeng)-that-never-came and everyone losing their minds wondering why were still sharing the gospel (By the way, we are all safe!! Thank you soo much everyone for your emails and concerns! It was so sweet to see those today).
9. Getting asked if I was from Israel? SICK (the good "sick")
10. Watching the sunrise.
11. Sharing the "Because of Him" video with a man on the street and he was legit holding back tears. I asked him what he was thinkin' when it ended and all he said was "everyone deserves a second chance in life."

That man, Li XianSheng is his name, is so right. I almost started crying tears of joy because of how right that was. No matter what mistakes we make in life, Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father will give us a second chance. I love being a missionary and sometimes I wonder why I was given this opportunity. I am really imperfect and make mistakes every day- more than I can count! But I was so thankful to meet  Li XS who reminded me that no matter who we are, God has the ability to help us become better. HOW GREAT is knowing that we never have to be stuck? We can always move forward if we just try and if we ask. 

I love life so much. There is light everywhere in life, everyday! I have been looking for 3 things every day that have brought light to me and I realized that I can actually just go on and on and on. So yes, try it out if you have a couple minutes- I promise, life is even better that we realize it is!!

I love you all so, so much. Thank you for your concern about the taifeng, for your support and for your love. I love you and am praying for all ya Meiguoren!

wo ai nimen
sista mo

1. We did some heavy duty fireworks and got kicked out of a park by the popo...I am not kidding like they were straight up 4th of July gigantic blow-up-in-the-sky fireworks!
3. We resorted to sparklers after getting asked to leave the park :)
4. The biggest smile because biggest avocado EVER
5. Today we woke up at 3:15 am and went with our district to watch the SUNRISE! The pictures do not do justice- it was heavenly. There are really no other words to describe it.
6. Elder Bellingham and I trying to yoga.
7. Da taiyang