Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 12: lil snail, BIG CITY

Da jia hao!?

Ahhhh who what when why HOW do I describe how much I love Taiwan? This week was another week in paradise. This paradise is fei chang special though because it includes sweating all hours of the day, falling asleep during lessons and meetings, getting splashed by cars driving by, nobody wanting to talk to you, everyone wanting to talk to you, being a missionary, and LIVING IN TAIWAN. Living the dream. 

Ok, ok clearly I am not over the fact that I am in Taiwan. Just bear with me. Hao. SO this week started with P-day (preparation day) in Danxue! Danxue is a beautiful town by the water and is a 30 minute MRT ride from our apartment. We got there and ate some lunch, wandered around the shops, got dumped on by the sky, and had fish eat our feet. We also held a photo shoot with tiny snails :') Needless to say, it was such a good day.

The days besides P-day always kinda blur together because we do so much stuff every day. To give you a little rundown: we start the day with exercise at 6/6:30, then breakfast, then studies until lunch. Then we have lessons, meetings, street contacting, and bike riding riding riding. Let me paint a picture for ya: Imagine you go outside and it is the hardest rain you have ever experienced. But then try to imagine that it is raining TWICE as hard as the hardest rain you have ever experienced. You would probably go back inside. Or maybe you would just get inside a car like most people. OR maybe you're feeling a little adventurous and decide to put on a giant yellow trash bag to ride your bike 3 miles across town through the city, with every car splashing you as they drive by. BUT you are super safe and happy because you have your helmet OVER your giant yellow trash bag and look really really good as you go. And that's what matters. (see pic below plz)

As for the actual missionary work! I can't explain how inspiring it is so see the happiness the gospel brings to people. Most of the finding we do we ask people if we can pray for them. Almost every time we ask, the person is super willing and will sometimes ask if we can teach them how to pray themselves! Last night we met a woman named Fang XiaoJie while we were walking by the MRT station. She had bandages all over her body and asked us to pray for her health. She said that was the most peace she had felt in a very long time and asked US if we could meet with her again tomorrow! As we were leaving she kept thanking us for the "pingan and kuaile" brought through the prayer. I love people and I love prayer. 

I am running out of time so I can't do captions for the pics but I hope that everyone is doing well!! I am always thinking and praying for you (and *secretly* praying that everyone has a chance to come to Taiwan at some point in their life...:D )

Sending my love from Asia!!

mo jie mei <3

p.s. from jess - so I sent Hailey the email below in mandarin chinese right after she sent the email posted above and she shot me a reply within less than a few minutes answering all of my questions!!!  I did the real quick type in google English-translate-to-Mandarin then copy & paste, but still she was faster in reading it and responding! UNREAL!

我想念您和您的爱。 我不能再等待,听到您在做什么。 什么食物吃了这周的吗? 没有雨了很多? 你喜欢的所有的自行车吗? 您的购物篮的吗? 当你开始教英语课吗?